Rural road opens in Manaung Township

Manaung, 11 November

Public servants receive second dose of Covid-19 vaccine in Maungdaw Twsp.

Maungdaw, 11 November

11834 people in Pinlaung Township receive second dose of COVID-19 vaccination
Second dose of COVID-19 vaccination was conducted at BEHS (Saungpyaung) in Lonepyin village-tract in Pinlaung Township, Pa’O Self-administered Zone in Shan State (South) on November 10. 
Indoor Stadium Being Constructed In Moenyo Township

Moenyo, 11 November

17 COVID-19 patients discharge from hospital in Maukmae Township
A total of 17 COVID-19 positive patients were discharged from the hospital in Maukmae Township, Langkho District, Shan State (South).
Construction of multi-purpose halls in Kawkareik Township completed
Kawkareik Township Department of Rural Development is undertaking construction of multi-purpose halls in Kawbein and Kawpauk villages in Kawkareik Township, .............
Water supply projects to be conducted in Wuntho Township
Water supply projects will be conducted in Wattuu and Kinmyintha villages in Wuntho Township, Sagaing Region, according to the Township Department of Rural Development.