Teashop fire consumes 20 stalls, two houses in Buthidaung Township

No casualties were reported in a teashop fire in Buthidaung Township, Rakhine State, the Ministry of Home Affairs said on Sunday.
Fire breaks out in BEHS in Khin-U
A fire broke out in an old school building in Basic Education High School in Khin-U at 5:51 am today due to the overheated electric kettle, according to the Township Fire Services Department.
Drugs seized along with percussion lock firearm in Mogaung Tsp.
Local authorities arrested a man along with drugs and a percussion lock firearm in a hut near Pinbaw Village in Mogaung Township, Kachin State yesterday.
Truck catches fire in Meikhtila Tsp
A truck caught fire on a bypass road at the top of Thabyaywa village in Meikhtila township, Mandalay region yesterday night.
Fire engulfs three houses in Dala Tsp.

Malaysia-bound boat laden with timber logs seized in Myanmar waters
Security members from the Myanmar Navy seized a boat filled with timber logs to be illegally smuggled to Malaysia in the Andaman Sea in Kawthoung Township, Taninthayi Region on 3 February.
Passenger bus crash claims 7 dead, 12 injured in Pinlebu Township
At least seven people were allegedly killed and twelve others injured after a passenger bus overturned in Pinlebu Township, Sagaing Region.